See the resources at the top that are availalbe for ministering to groups or a Local chruch.
The resources about half way down that can be used as follow up for individuals that are seeking to live by God's Economy.
Visit the online store for resources that will helpful for you on your Journey to living by God's Economy:
Insights on Stewardship is committed to working with the local church in teaching biblical financial principles. Matthew 6:21 says for where your treasure is there will your heart be also. One of the most tangible ways a Christian can understand his heart's spiritual condition is by seeing how they handle their money compared to God's standards set forth in God's Economy.
There is no charge (other than suggested love offering to cover expenses) for any Insights on Stewardship services. It is truly a ministry and privilege to share with God's children the freedom that comes by living by God's economy. (Resources from partner ministries listed below will have costs associated with them.)
In addition to the Crown Money Map Seminar, Insights on Stewardship offers a seminar to teach biblical financial principles in a one or two day setting. The total teaching time is about seven hours. It can be formatted for a Saturday or Sunday presentation or broken into 2 or 3 days over the weekend. The seminar starts out with uncovering what the Bible says about money and then gently moves into how to apply these principles in our lives.
Adult Sunday School Series:
Insights on Stewardship offers a 10 week series called Discovering God's path to Financial Freedom. This ten week study includes four weeks of looking at what the Bible says about money and then 6 weeks of how to apply these truths in a very practical way to our lives. In addition to the application this formal allows for discussion and an opportunity to share individual financial struggles encountered. Due to the fact that this is conducted by an IOS teacher, consideration must be taken into the location of the church.
A series of four messages to present biblical financial principles is available along with individual messages on stewardship, giving (investing in eternity) financial freedom and financial bondage. In many cases it is easier for someone from the outside to discuss sensitive biblical principles than the local shepherd.
Any of the above can be used individually or combined to provide for the most effective method of communicating biblical principles to your congregation. Contact Insights on Stewardship for additional information.
Crown Financial Ministries offers a training course for individuals in your church who would consider it their ministry to help others understand and apply God's Economy in their lives. Once they have completed the training course they will be qualified under the churches authority to assist others in the church. In addition to this being a ministry to these in the church it can also be an outreach to those in the community who are in need financially. Click on the link to Crown Money Map training to learn more about this resource
Four small group Bible studies developed by Howard Dayton and Compass Financial Ministires for those in the church that desire a deeper understanding of being a biblical steward. They are designed to last from five to nene weeks and will include Bbible memorization, practical applicaion and biblcial stewardship based on the individuals financial season of life. The setting is designed for a facilitaor and up to 10 attendees in each study group.
Navigating Your Finances God's Way: A nine week small group study teaches individuals God’s perspective of managing money and possessions. It will provide the practical applications of handling finances, and really gets to the heart of the matter. This is designed for those of any age that want a deeper grasp of biblical stewardship. See short video blow where Howard Dayton explains the study.
Money and Marriage God's Way: Financial stress can devastate a marriage. But there is a better way — God’s way! This six week small group study will show you how to discover God’s approach to managing your finances and strengthening your marital relationship.
Charting Your Legacy: For most people, making financial decisions can be compared to taking a trip by car. Their cash and credit limitations serve as clearly defined boundaries. However, for those with wealth, the boundaries are not so clearly defined. Fortunately, the Bible contains specific principles, intended to help the wealthy navigate the ocean of choices.
Set Your House in Order: This five-week small group study is designed to enable you to assemble and organize your important financial information in just one place. Set Your House is also an outstanding tool to help you plan your estate and manage your current finances. Although the small group is the most effective setting for applying what you'll learn, the study may be conducted in a classroom, seminar or completed by an individual.
Here is a short video of Howard Daytone explaining Navigating Your Finances.
Each study group will require a trained facilitator. Here is a link that explains how to become a trained facilitator.
Insights on Stewardship does not advise on topics like investing, insurance, financial planning, and other related areas other than to include these categories in a written spending plan. If you are specifically looking for this type of help, please contact a financial planning professional near you. You may want to explore Dave Ramsey Endorsed Local Providers.