A checkbook is a theological document.  It will tell you who and what you worship”.

Billy Graham

Biblical stewardship sets you free

About the Author

George Hutchison

George Hutchison is the author of Insights on Stewardship and uses his years of personal experience, study, and teaching on the topic of Biblical Financial Stewardship to assist others in experiencing the freedom that only comes from managing our resources the way God intended.

Do you believe that Christians should give exclusively to their local church?

Total votes: 93

Absolutely: all giving should be done through the local church. (Votes: 8, 8.6%)
Yes, but only the tithe is required to go to the local church. Over and above the tithe is optional. (Votes: 50, 53.8%)
No, we should direct our giving to wherever we feel led (Votes: 35, 37.6%)

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