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Cheap is not always good. Both from a temporal perspective as well as an eternal perspective.

When Cheap is Not Good


This can seem like a ridiculous statement when half the time we are struggling to pay our bills, debts and just get by. But cheap is not always the best answer and sometimes it is simply the wrong answer. While being Cheap Scroogefrugal can bring about many positive changes in your life, being cheap at the wrong time can cost us, not only in this life but in eternity as well. Cheap can also destroy relationships and send us into financial isolation.

Here are a few thoughts as to when being cheap is dangerous:

Buying stuff that doesn't last

The lowest price may also mean the lowest quality. This can lead to buying merchandise that doesn’t last and services that do not fill your immediate need and eventually spending even more money to remedy the deficient product or service. Be sure to consider quality when comparing prices.

If money is really tight, consider second hand. This may lead to buying excellent quality at a fraction of the price.

Spending too much time trying to save money

How many times have we driven 10 miles to save $1.00 on an item that is on sale? Sometimes saving money can become an obsession. Not only must we calculate the cost of the transportation to get the “sale” item, but we must also consider our time as well. Group purchase at as few stores as possible and be careful (especially when grocery shopping) of chasing sale items from one store to the next.

Saving pennies today and spending dollars tomorrow

Vitamins may cost money, but they are a lot cheaper than doctor’s visits and medicine. Turning the thermostat down too far in the winter may save a few dollars in heating costs but may cost far more in missed work days due to sickness. Paying for an oil change and car service may seem like a lot today, but wait until we compare it to a rebuilt engine. Regular maintenance on our heating and AC will save on fuel cost as well as expensive service calls in the dead of the winter.

Not spending money and paying for it with a loss of integrity

Lying about our children’s age to get the children’s pricing, sharing unlimited salad bars, and not tipping properly are just some of the ways that we may save a few dollars and pay for them with a loss of integrity. Cheating on our taxes and lying about our age to get the senior citizen discount is very expensive in God’s eyes. No amount of money saved will be worth the loss of integrity. (Proverbs 20:7)

Being cheap with our giving

And this is the absolute last place we want to be cheap. Romans 8:29 says we are predestined to become conformed to the image of God. God has given us everything from the creation we enjoy (Genesis 1:1) to mansions in eternity (John 14:2) and above all His son Jesus Christ (John 3:16). We have no right to be cheap in our giving as God was certainly not cheap in His giving to us and we are instructed to conform to His image.

God told the Israelites in Malachi 3:10-11 to test Him to see if He would not pour out the blessings when they gave to Him. 2 Corinthians 9:6 says when we sow sparingly we will also reap sparingly. When it comes to giving, the last thing we want to do is to be cheap. Being frugal with our giving on this earth will result in reduced treasures in eternity. (Matthew 6:19-21)

Cheap is not always good. Both from a temporal perspective as well as an eternal perspective.


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