You probably know little about the writers of this blog, so we thought we'd take the first post as an opportunity to share a few facts about ourselves. Here are five facts about each of us--some money related, some not.
Kyle's facts:
- I have always loved math and discovered soon after college that I
can meticulously pour over budgets and tax paperwork...for fun!
- I am a self-proclaimed fix-it (or break-it) man at home. I'll try most anything if I thinks it will save money and teach me a new skill.
- I have lived in 5 states (so far, Michigan, Oklahoma, Texas, Indiana, and Pennsylvania) and grew up moving around with my
family. The experience has given me a love for different kinds of people with varying backgrounds and interests. God made everyone unique, and I love learning from them all.
- I bought my first car new on credit, my first house new with less than 5% down, and graduated college with over $30k in debt. If I only knew then what I know now!
- I graduated from the University of Michigan and still like to follow my Michigan Wolverines sports teams when I get the chance.
Karen's facts:
- I love running. Running on a warm summer morning witnessing the sun rising is a little slice of heaven on earth for me.
- I cried when I was 23, needed to buy a new car, and had to take out a $10,000 loan. I had been debt free after paying off my college loan and didn't want to be in debt again.
- I ended a 9 year teaching career last year to stay at home with our daughter Elsa.
- I sometimes think it’d be nice to tithe less (I know this sounds very selfish) and save less for retirement so we could afford a different home. We live in a townhouse, and I would love to live in a house with a big yard along a country road.
- I can be a big home-body, but I have traveled to Central Africa, Cambodia, Thailand, Spain, Italy, Costa Rica, The Bahamas, and a few other spots.
Those are a few facts about us. Check for our weekly posts about practical and liberating ways to manage money.